Téléchargez Killing Floor 2.5 pour UT2004

Screenshot signé DukeNico

Killing Floor est l’un des rares FPS de zombies réussis. Le concept de ce mod pour UT2004 est on ne peut plus simple : au début du round, vous courrez acheter vos armes chez le marchand. Une fois le warmup terminé, vous devez survivre à une vague de zombies : plus vous tuez de zombies, plus vous gagnez d’argent et mieux vous pourrez vous équiper pour la prochaine de vague de zombies…

La version 2.5 est sorti avant hier. Elle rajoute un lance-flammes, des iron sights, un mode de jeu story, un système de compétences, etc. Le changelog complet dans la suite de la news : [–SUITE–]

– Added « Veterancy » system, with 5 selectable classes, and perks.
– Added enemy « gibbing », and more responsive gore effects.
– Added support for non-Survival based Killing Floor maps, with a new gametype « Story »
– Added new player models (Hazmat, Masterson,Stalker)
– Added new weapon « Flamethrower » available to buy from the « speed » category of the Trader shop.
– Added new server options for setting downtimes between waves, enabling veterancies, and setting the total number of max zombies which can spawn at a single time.
– Added « Iron sights » scopes to the « Bullpup », and LAW weapons. Can be activated with secondary fire. You may only fire the LAW while holding the « Iron sight ».
– Added « Accuracy » system to the game, which augments weapon aim and recoil depending on player movement speed, and physics state.
– Added « Armor condition bar » above player’s health state, on the third person HUD.
-Added new attack types for several zombie classes
-Added « Tactical Light » to the 9mm and Dual 9mm weapons. This can be activated with secondary fire, and has a limited, but regenerating battery.
-Addded improved Bot AI code. Killing Floor bots will now fight at range, where possible, switch to melee weapons when cornered, heal other players, and themselves if injured, and respond to the threat at hand.
– Added upgrades to the game « Lobby » including access to the options menu from lobby, a more accurate playerlist, « Timeout » controls which will toggle if 75% of players have readied up and one guy hasn’t. and a failsafe time where the match will begin regardless, after a set time.


– Added « bStartSealed » variable to KFDoorMovers, which allows mappers to create doors which are already welded at runtime. StartSealedWeldPrc can further specify the amount it is pre-welded.

– Added « KFTeamProgressVolume » which is a new type of volume that can be placed in a map, and causes a trigger event to occur only when all players in the server are within the volume’s bounds. This is useful for progression based maps, requiring player cooperation. A threshold value allows mappers to set what percentage of players are required in the volume for the event to be triggered.

– Added « bKeyLocked » variable to KFDoorMovers which allows mappers to lock doors, and attribute the player who has a certain « KFKeyPickup » with the ability to open them.

Graphical Changes

– Visual overhaul to many of the core evironmental textures for KF-WestLondon, KF-Offices , KF-BioticsLab, KF-Manor
– BSP zone additions or alterations made to some of the above maps.
– Enhanced player / enemy skins.
– Modulated blood effects (sprays show up vividly)
-Added « Mood Overlay » system which works as a fake method of post processing, and dynamically modulates on-screen colors to mimic zone-specific RGB values.
-Added randomized animations and skins for some zombie types, for more variety.
-Completely overhauled all third- person player animations.
-Added « near death » and « burning » HUD overlays.
-New « Blood-stain » and « Bile-stain » graphic effects, at a higher resolution than previous.
-« Crawler » completely re-animated, retextured, and model tweaked.
– Added in « Bloodied » skin state for the « Broken Pipe » weapon.
-Changed « Stalker » cloaking / decloaking effects. There is now a « Fizzle » period in between, and the cloaked shader has been improved.
– Zombies that have been lit on fire for a period of time, or die as a result of flames will display « crispy » skins.
-The bodies of killed Specimens, and players will now persist in the level. Specimens will persist for a lengthy period of time on « medium », and « high » world detail settings, or a short period on « low » settings.
-Grenade/LAW rocket explosions now cause momentary radial illumination.
– Fixed enemy karma velocity, and physics based damage reactions.

Balance Alterations

– Enemies –

– Fleshpound is now 50% immune to all small arms fire, but has a weakness to explosive weaponry.
– Fleshpound has more HP in general, is easier to « enrage », and deals more damage.
– Gorefast HP lowered.
– Siren and Scrake given « bDurableHead » which relates the chance of a successful headshot to the percentage of health remaining.
-Clot attacks now consist of a bite/grab which stops players from moving , and if he has no head, fall back to the old arm bludgeon.
– Critical headshots (head removal) now cause a %age of total health damage in addition to regular damage multipliers, but can only be executed once per enemy.

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