Téléchargez Classic Doom 3 v1.0 !

Moi qui pensais rester tout mon samedi dans mon lit avec mon powerbook et ma femme, voilà en fin une raison de me trainer vers mon PC : La version 1.0 de Classic Doom 3 vient de sortir. La preuve : elle est sur notre FTP ! Elle contient l’intégralité de Knee Deep In The Dead, le premier épisode de Doom. Toutes les cartes sont jouables en multi et il y a même une petite intro à la campagne solo.

Je comptais lancer le jeu pour prendre quelques screenshots rapidos afin d’illustrer ma news, mais ce mod est tellement génial que je ne suis pas parvenu à m’arrêter avant d’atteindre E1M7…

Les version Linux et Mac Os X viendront avec la sortie de la version 1.1. Un mod Last Man Standing pour jouer en coop devrait lui aussi arriver prochainement. (et merci à Nutz pour m’avoir tiré de mon lit)[–SUITE–]

Readme File:
Classic Doom 3 – Version 1.0

Extract the ‘cdoom’ folder from the .zip into your ‘doom3’ folder and select Classic Doom 3 from the mods list

c:\program files\doom 3\

The install shield will remove all files on un-install.
Delete the folder ‘cdoom’ to remove remaning settings from your Doom 3 directory.

Once installed, select ‘Classic Doom 3’ from the mod menu in-game.

//Known Bugs
-On map restart during deathmatch, player model can be seen through the hud, obscuring the players view

//Update History
Beta 0.56 – Public release
-Added custom DLL to control health-vial pickups
-Added GUI fix for custom theme music

Beta 0.55 – Internal release
-Fixed bugs in E1M2
-Fixed bugs in E1M5
-Fixed bugs in E1M9
-Resolved chaingun ammo bug with HUD

Beta 0.50 – Internal release
-Added E1M2
-Added E1M5
-Added E1M9
-Added E1M1 Music
-Added E1M2 Music
-Added E1M3 Music
-Added E1M4 Music
-Added E1M5 Music
-Added Theme Music
-Finalised E1M1 (bug fixes)
-Finalised E1M3 (bug fixes)
-Finalised E1M4 (bug fixes)
-Added new GUI
-Added custom chaingin
-Added custom rocket launcher
-Increased chaingun fire rate
-Decreased chaingun bullet damage
-Decreased Shotgun accuracy
-Decreased Pistol damage
-Added red key
-Added spectre (used with permission from Doom Chronicles modification)

Alpha 0.25 Coverdisk edition
-Fixed stamina on E1M3
-Fixed stamina on E1M4
-Slight graphical alterations on E1M4
-Fixed EXE installer bug

Alpha 0.25
-Game now loads from Gui, no more need for ‘map e1m1’ command.
-E1M1 bugs fixed
-E1M3 bugs fixed
-E1M4 bugs fixed
-Chaingun ammo now correctly displayed
-Crash on backpack pickup resolved
-Resolved ‘low ammo’ flashing error due to lack of reload in Cdoom
-Altered weapon damage for pistol
-Altered weapon damage for shotgun
-Health stops at 100 for standard stimpacks and medikits

Alpha 0.20
-Finalisation of E1M1
-Update of E1M3
-Update of E1M4
-Definition clean up
-Removal of ammo-clip crash bug
-Monsters do not drop pistols

Alpha 0.19 – Internal Release
-Installer tested
-Update of E1M1
-Addition of E1M3
-Addition of E1M4
-Alteration of movement speed
-Custom item models

Alpha 0.12
-Reworking of E1M1
-Alteration of movement speed and hud

Alpha 0.1
-Internal creation of E1M1


-Kazahana (project founder, created E1M1 + E1M2 + E1M7 + DEF coding)
-Gazz (project leader and level designer. Created E1M4 + E1M8 + E1M9 + End cinematic)
-Blaster (level designer, created E1M3 + E1M5 + E1M6 + Intro cinematic)
-RazorBladder (Texture artist, Item modeller)
-Slogbog (Weapon Modeller. Created custom weapon models)
-Sonic Clang (Musician, composed full musical score + cinematic audio)
-Deadite (Sound effects, DLL coding)
-Blazkowicz (Graphic artist, designed team logo + GUI graphics)
-SnoopJedi (GUI Programmer + DLL coding)
-GuyBrave (Texture Artist, created Rocket Launcher texture + Doom Marine model + DM textures)
-BHenderson (Cinematic coordinator + model animator)
-ThumpMonk (Musician, remastered all tracks + created E1M9 musical score)

Special thanks to Calimer and the Last Man Standing team for guidance during the last phase of development


This modification is only for use with a legitimate version of the game ‘Doom 3’, created by id Software. This modification is not affiliated with id Software in any way.

If there is any technical issues directly related to this modification that is not a known issue with the game ‘Doom 3’, please contact Flaming Sheep Software either through email or the website at http://cdoom.d3files.com

This mod and all of its assets are not to be sold ever.

This mod and all of its assets are not to be modified or ‘plugged’ into another mod without first permission by its creators.

Activision and id Software do not hold responsibility for any technical issues that you may encouter through the use of this modification.

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