Survarium 0.30c

La 0.30c de Survarium arrive demain et corrigera une poignée de bugs. Son principal intérêt est l’augmentation de la réputation gagnée en accomplissant les missions de factions. Les serveurs seront donc hors ligne demain (et non pas le 14 août comme l’affiche la news) à partir de midi.

Increased reputation for performing factions’ missions (from +20% in the starting ranks to +65% in the highest ranks)

Equipment and Weapons
SVD: reduced horizontal recoil (by 40% at the lower end and by 17% at the top one)
Premium Uzi: fixed armor penetration

Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that caused the game to crash in the beginning of a match in « The Last Stand » mode
Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash when switching from the statistics window to the lobby
Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash when switching from the login window to the lobby
Fixed an issue that caused the game to crash if the « Sponge » artifact was thrown at the end of a match
Fixed a bug when the third equipment profile was unavailable after buying premium from the statistics window

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