Sortie du portage PC du portage Dreamcast annulé de Half-Life

Le portage de Half-Life sur Dreamcast n’a jamais abouti, mais un gars est parvenu à mettre la main sur le code source et, c’est là où ça devient vraiment bizarre, s’est dit que ce serait une bonne idée de le porter sur PC sous la forme d’un mod Half-Life. Il y a quelques niveaux différents, de nouveaux modèles et une nouvelle bande son, mais à part ça c’est plus ou moins le même titre que le jeu original :

• Different Maps – The map alterations range from minor geometry fixes and lighting adjustments to entirely revamped areas. Several locations have been redesigned with performance and gameplay in mind while entirely new rooms have been added in some places to introduce another obstacle or puzzle to overcome. One entire level was even cut! Can you determine the missing map?
• Different Models – The Dreamcast version is host to a number of exclusive models not seen in any other version of Half-Life, including the High Definition pack and the PlayStation 2 port. Can you find the hidden VMU and Half-Life Dreamcast disc?
• Revamped Menu – Included is a new splash screen, menu background, menu color scheme, and menu sounds to closely emulate the Dreamcast’s fancy interface.
• High quality soundtrack – Emulates the CD quality music used in the console version, overriding the default 48kbps mp3s on Steam.
• Tweaked Difficulty – To accommodate the difficulty of playing with a controller, Gearbox suitably rebalanced the monster spawns as well as enemy health and damage values.
• Password Notifications – Although the password system itself cannot be ported, all password messages that appear in normal gameplay have been brought over.
• The Little Differences – Too small to be noted in a bullet point, but true Half-life fans should be able to spot these in a heartbeat when they see (or hear!) them.

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