Sortie du patch 1.1 pour Far Cry 2

Relancez votre version PC de Far Cry 2 : oh! miracle, le voici qui se met à jour tout seul en version 1.1. La liste des changements :

– Fixed for difficulty level not changing health when updated.
– Fixed keyboard controls remapping in single mode that didn’t carry into multiplayer mode.
– Prevent a buddy from getting stuck when healing him while receiving damages.
– Display server’s IP address in lobby, beside the match’s name (for direct IP join to work)
– A ranked match that is already started will not be listed in the match list.
– Improved match start conditions. Ranked games can now also start if the player max is attained and everybody but the host is ready.
– Fixed players with same name by using identifiers instead of names.
– Always validate the diamond pool after class upgrades, reset or rank up to avoid getting more diamonds than the player is supposed to for his rank.
– Fixed a random crash when joining a game.
– Fixed to make sure game is minimized in order to show the website when clicking on ubi.com
– Allow launching the Dedicated Server Launcher in command line.

Pas un mot sur le problème de FOV, les bugs de scripts qui nous empêchent de terminer certaines missions et la tonne de petits détails qu’on aimerait modifier nous-mêmes si le jeu nous le permettait : les objets qui clignotent pour vous indiquer leurs positions, les dommages trop faibles des armes, les temps de respawn trop courts des ennemis, etc. Si vous désirez télécharger le patch sans passer par l’auto-updater, c’est possible via Patches-Scrolls et Worthplaying.

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