Si Ennemy Territory lag, c’est de votre faute

Activision explique à qui veut l’entendre que les problèmes de lag dans Ennemy Territory peuvent provenir d’un mauvais paramétrage de votre connexion lors de la création de votre profile :

La connexion par defaut est ISDN ce qui correspond à un rate de 5000, or c’est 25000 que vous voulez si vous êtes sur ADSL. Pour y arriver, tapez juste /rate 25000 dans la console. Ca change rien ? Il ne vous reste plus qu’à raler à l’URL prévu pour récolter feedback et bug : etbugs@idsoftware.com[–SUITE–]

Problems with choppy gameplay may be the result of not setting your connection speed when you create your profile. The connection defaults to ISDN, which is a rate of 5000. If your rate is set to something not appropriate for your connection, you’ll get lag. If you’re playing over a LAN or a DSL or cable modem, your rate should be set to 25000. To set your rate, pull down the console (~) and type « /rate (number) » without the quotes. You can also do this by choosing the « Options » button in the main menu, then choosing « System » and checking the connection speed (near the bottom of the screen). Be sure to press Apply.
 Thanks to feedback sent in by players, your comments have already helped us track down issues with the network code that may have otherwise not been located. So please keep sending those bug reports in (etbugs@idsoftware.com).
To help new players get the hang of Enemy Territory, here’s a few tips:

– ET is objective based, meaning you have to complete objectives to win. In the Limbo screen (where you set up your character), you’ll see the objectives outlined at the bottom.
– Completely new to a Wolfenstein online game? Play the soldier class with a Thompson or MP40 — it’s a great way to get the hang of the game and the map.
– Engineers are critical — always have one on your team. If you’re an Engineer and you see a wrench icon over something, that means you have to build it. Choose 5 for your tool and press fire to build.
– The tank has a useable MG. Hit the « Activate » button when near the tank to get in.
– If you’re not sure who to shoot, here’s a tip: members of your team will show their name and health when your crosshair is over them. Enemies do not.
– You must have PunkBuster cheat protection enabled to join a server running PunkBuster. The selection to enable PunkBuster is at the bottom right of the Play Online server browser.
– If players with good ping times to your server are complaining about choppy performance you should reduce your max player limit for your server.

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