Serious Sam II : premier patch

Juste avant sa sortie (demain aux USA, vendredi en France), Serious Sam II se patche et passe en version 2.064b (je n’invente rien). Le patch est disponible pour la démo (toujours pas une blague) et même pour le jeu complet (mirror sur 3D Gamers si notre FTP ne marche pas chez vous). Pour le ChangeLog, c’est juste en dessous.[–SUITE–]

-Customize keys menu screen is now more mouse friendly.
-Mouse movement is ignored during key binding process (customize keys menu screen).
-Mouse buttons 4 and 5 are now supported (through the customize keys menu screen).
-Cheats button will no more appear on the main menu screen when the user is advised to adjust video settings for the first time.
-Questionable picture has been removed from the multiplayer menu screen.
-Virtual keyboard has been removed from the enter text (enter name) menu screen.
-If a profile is created after clicking on the ‘Internet’ button, the user is now correctly taken to the GameSpy menu screen.
-Quick saved game will now appear at the top of the saved games list (both for load and save game menu screens).
-Fixed problems with connecting to game servers over the internet.
-Internet server sorting now works correctly (through the ‘Find match’ menu screen).
-Popup menus used to enter server IP address now have button bars at the bottom to provide mouse functionality.
-Selected row in a list doesn’t change any more if mouse is moved over the list while a popup menu is displayed.

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