Rumeur : Microsoft sur le point de racheter Sega

L’action de Sega a fait un bond de 17% avant-hier suite à une rumeur de rachat par Microsoft. Aucune des deux compagnies n’a fait de commentaires :

Two news services yesterday reported that Tokyo-based videogame maker Sega Corp. may be acquired by Microsoft Corp. Neither company, including San Francisco-based subsidiary SEGA of America Inc., could be reached for comment.

The Jiji Press English-language Japanese press service reported that shares of Sega Corp. rose as high as the exchange’s daily limit of 200 yen, to close up 134 yen at 1,385 yen ($11.29) on the Tokyo Stock Exchange yesterday afternoon « amid a market rumor that U.S. software giant Microsoft Corp. will acquire the Japanese video game maker. »

Bloomberg News’ Tokyo bureau reported the same rumor, saying Sega shares rose as much as 17 percent because of it. The report quoted spokesmen for both companies as saying they knew of no acquisition plans.

La rumeur va-t elle se confirmer ? Ce rachat a-t il un rapport avec l’echec de la XBox ?

Source : Seattlepi.com

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