Red Orchestra : le gros patch vient de sortir

Le nouveau patch pour Red Orchestra vient de sortir sur Steam : une carte orientée CQB, des fumigènes pour les commanders, deux flingues et quelques tweaks appliqués sur le gameplay.[–SUITE–]

Added the new map LvesKrovy, featuring close quarters combat
Added smoke grenades for German and Russian commanders
Streamlined the interface to make it easier for new players to get into the game
Changed the tank cannon round switching system to more closely match tanks of the period
Removed the « No Decisive Victory » win condition. One team will always win now
Enhanced the scoreboard
Improved the 3rd person upper body movement while prone
Fixed choppy VOIP while using Hardware 3d or EAX sound setting
Fixed players bouncing off of other players that were prone
Fixed a glitch that would cause red squares on terrain where blood had been
Fixed an exploit where commanders could call in artillery strikes on a position that they marked in a previous round
Fixed grenades being unable to fire when changing stances
Fixed problems relating to server settings for spectating restrictions

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