Raven parle de Jedi Academy

Le fansite The Jedi Academy a interviewé la devteam de Jedi Academy chez Raven Software. Les questions portent surtout sur certains points précis du jeu, et risquent d’ennuyer profondément ceux qui n’ont jamais joué à un Jedi Knight. On apprend tout de même que Raven espère rendre le solo un peu plus attractif :

We’ve read that you need to complete about 80% of the missions in order to complete the single player game. After beating the game, will we have the opportunity to go back to complete any missions we missed?

No, you would have to start a new game. We’ve intentionally built a lot of replayability into Jedi Academy. There are so many Force Powers to choose from, that the player will not be able to max them out during a single playthrough, so they can go through the game again and pick different powers and have a completely different experience. Similarly, they can pick missions they may have missed, skip other ones, or just play them all.

Ça pourra de toute façon pas être plus chiant que les premières missions de Jedi Outcast.

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