Preview d’Y-Project

Action Vault publie la preview d’Y-Project la plus compléte jamais écrite à ce jour (c’est un peu pompeux comme formulation peut-être…). Bref, un bon article qui fait le tour du jeu et qui donne plus de détails sur le background, les armes, les ennemis, le multi, les maps, etc. Un petit extrait :

Ingo Horn: The Y-Project will be divided into five chapters and approximately 50 quests. We’ll have three types of quests: the main quests representing the goal of each chapter (i.e. find a certain bug and gather information on its behaviour); sub-quests, which may (but not necessarily) help the player solving the main quest (i.e. rescue an important NPC); and, last but not least, fun quests, which are not relevant for the main storyline, but fun to solve (go gambling in a casino to get 10,000 credits for the Cyberpunk leader).

Allez jeter un oeil sur l’article, ne serait-ce que pour admirer à nouveau les screenshots.

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