Preview d’Iron Storm par Gamersclick

GamersClick a eu la chance de tester une version beta d’Iron Storm. Voila les points les plus intéressants de leur preview.

Au niveau backround, on apprend pas grands chose :
En monojoueur il y aura 6 chapitre qui vous feront combattre dans la peau d’un americain. L’ennemi (ou l’axe du mal pour parler politiquement correct) est une coalition germano-russe.

L’AI semble particulièrement puissante :

While the majority of preview builds we check out here at GamersClick don’t come equipped with stellar AI, this certainly was an exception. It’s a safe bet that on the enemy front Iron Storm should be able to compete with anything the competition can throw at it for quite a while. The enemy, even set on the easiest setting, poses quite a challenge and you’ll often find yourself being flanked, attacked via cover fire and approached in a seemingly never-ending amount of ways. It’s my guess that by the time this game « goes gold » they may in fact actually have to tone the easiest artificial intelligence setting down a notch or risk losing the casual gamer who doesn’t pack the gaming experience a hardcore gamer might possess

Leur conclusion est très positive :

In conclusion, Iron Storm is shaping up to be one heckuva action shooter title and dare I say it – could very well wind up being a prime contender for action title of the year.

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