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Preview de Halo

MSXbox vient de réaliser une preview de Halo. Vu le nom de leur site on pourrait penser qu'ils se montreraient complaisant envers le titre phare de la XBox. Il n'en est rien! Enfin un article qui souligne les qualités de Halo ainsi que ses défauts:
I'm not gonna lie to you-- Halo at E3 was not the revolutionary title we were all expecting. It was good and it has potential for greatness. Will Halo look and play even better when it's released? Yes. Will 4-player split screen be smoother? For Sure. Will Halo be a great game? Definitely. For those people to criticize Halo because of the 4-player and to a lesser degree single player slowdowns is not a timely decision. Bungie is a company well known for production quality titles, and Halo has been under development for quite some time now. Munch's Oddysee and Halo are the two flagship Xbox launch titles at this point, and from what we've seen so far at E3, there's no way these two titles will sink.

MSXbox vient de réaliser une preview de Halo. Vu le nom de leur site on pourrait penser qu’ils se montreraient complaisant envers le titre phare de la XBox. Il n’en est rien! Enfin un article qui souligne les qualités de Halo ainsi que ses défauts:

I’m not gonna lie to you– Halo at E3 was not the revolutionary title we were all expecting. It was good and it has potential for greatness. Will Halo look and play even better when it’s released? Yes. Will 4-player split screen be smoother? For Sure. Will Halo be a great game? Definitely. For those people to criticize Halo because of the 4-player and to a lesser degree single player slowdowns is not a timely decision. Bungie is a company well known for production quality titles, and Halo has been under development for quite some time now. Munch’s Oddysee and Halo are the two flagship Xbox launch titles at this point, and from what we’ve seen so far at E3, there’s no way these two titles will sink.

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