Postal sur PDA

RWS fait sous-traiter à Mnemonic Studio le développement d’une version pour PDA (le Zodiac de Palm, précisément) de Postal (le premier, apparemment). Ces gadgets vous serviront enfin à autre chose qu’à noter vos deux rendez-vous par mois.[–SUITE–]Le communiqué :

Running With Scissors, notorious video game developers, has given newly found Danish game developer, Mnemonic Studio, the green light to develop Postal for the new high-end Zodiac TM mobile entertainment console developed by Tapwave (www.tapwave.com).

« POSTAL deserves to go portable! It’s an awesome game and truly something to be enjoyed everywhere, not just on the PC platform. With the Zodiac console the technology is now available to justify a unique console version of POSTAL featuring all the goodies from the existing brand and adding ‘something disgustingly extra' », comments Hans F. Olsen, President and CEO of Mnemonic Studio.

« RWS has always had the reputation of doing the impossible, and bringing POSTAL to the Zodiac console is only the beginning. » says Vince Desi, President and CEO of RWS.

POSTAL for Zodiac is scheduled for release Q4 2004. For further information about Running With Scissors (RWS) please visit www.gopostal.com. For more information about Mnemonic Studio please visit www.mnemonicstudio.com.

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