Planetside 2 : premières images

SOE met en ligne les premières images de Planetside 2 en petit format, ainsi qu’un petit texte servant de note d’intention :

Our goal with PlanetSide 2 is to create a game where you will fight against and alongside thousands of players, competing simultaneously and directly against one another in massive battles featuring intense infantry action as well as incredible air and ground vehicle combat. You will be able to traverse enormous open-world maps featuring massive gameplay space and unique biospheres, punctuated by massive facilities, towers and bunkers.

Persistent conquest warfare is facilitated by territory control where you will earn resources to unlock weapon add-ons, vehicle customizations, and more. No instancing here, everything is 100% PVP and 100% open world combat. And of course, a deep character customization and personalization will allow players to create your very own soldier, customize your weapons and vehicles to fit not only your own personal play style but the needs of your outfit or the entire empire.

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