Personne ne sait quand sortira Armed Assault

Paul ‘Placebo’ Statham, le Community Manager de Bohemia, explique sur un site polonais que la date de sortie d’Armed Assault dépendra essentiellement de l’éditeur :

[…] Until ArmA has been signed to a publisher we have to guess based on when we believe we will have the game complete. It also has to be remembered that some publishers might want to do a lengthy marketing campaign, whereas other publishers do little in the way of marketing, so there are lots of factors which have to be taken into consideration. In December we predicted a H1 2006 release and that probably remains the most accurate we can predict for now.

Il annonce aussi dans l’interview qu’Operation Flashpoint et son add-on se sont vendus à plus de deux millions d’exemplaires. Voilà qui devrait faire réfléchir ceux qui s’imaginent qu’un jeu moche et difficile à prendre en main est incapable de faire un carton.

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