Patch Quake 1.32b pour les joueurs sous Linux

Robduff update son .plan pour nous faire connaitre l’existence d’un nouveau patch côté client pour les Quakeurs qui jouent sous Linux :

There is a new Linux Q3A 1.32b on the ftp. This is Linux client side only and is fully compatible with 1.32


– Text mode install broken on glibc 2.3 (Debian Sid) http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/ bugreport.cgi?bug=165358
Current Debian Sid’s glibc package break backwards compatibility with binaries compiled on older glibc and statically linked. This will cause the text mode setup to segfault.


For now you can either:
– find a solution to run the graphical gtk-based setup
– roll back to glibc 2.2
– use an updated setup binary:
run the linux setup once, with the –keep option
(this will exand all the files to setup.tmp/)
get this updated setup file:
replace setup.tmp/setup.data/bin/Linux/x86/setup by the new one
cd to setup.tmp/ and run setup.sh

– Current NVidia drivers don’t officially support glibc 2.3 systems This affects Debian Sid in particular, causing crashes during vid_restart The issue is related to the SMP build depending upon libpthreads 1.32b has both SMP and non-SMP binary. Use quake3- smp to launch the SMP version if you want to use it.

– SMP and non-SMP builds:
Default quake3 shortcut will spawn a non-SMP build. Use quake3-smp for an SMP- enabled run. From the feedback we got after the 1.32 release,
the SMP support as designed in the Quake III Arena technology isn’t so much relevant anymore. It was designed for much lower CPU frequencies and lower AGP throughputs. Modern systems won’t benefit from SMP. Since it didn’t make much sense to remove the SMP binary, we have both now.

– Fixing broken mouse on Suse:
Starting with XFree 4.2, the event timestamps returned by the X server
are no longer matching gettimeofday. And there is currently no API in X
to provide easy synchronisation. 1.32 introduced improved event timing
by correcting event time with X server event timestamp (sub-frame timing). This worked fine with XFree 4.1, and no longer does. 1.32b adds a safe check to work again with XFree 4.2, but basically the input timing is back to 1.31 quality.

Some new cvars related to the mouse control:
in_dgamouse – not new, but be sure to have it set to 1 on any recent system in_subframe – completely disables sub-frame timing. If XFree 4.2
in_subframe 1 won’t hurt, but it won’t do anything either.
in_nograb – for mod developers. Set to 1 and run windowed, Q3 won’t be
grabbing your mouse pointer (useful for debug breaks)

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