Patch 1.31 pour Battlefield 1942

Le très attendu patch v1.31 pour Battlefied 1942 vient de sortir, et inclut en particulier la correction du pseudo « wall-hack » présent dans la version 1.30. Mirroirs (~47 Mo) :

Le serveur dédié win32 v1.31 est également proposé (~69 Mo, 3DGamers, Fileshack).
[–SUITE–] Voici la liste des modifications :

Network/Server Fixes
– We fixed a crash in co-op mode when restarting the map – this crash was known to occur right after a map switch
– We removed the default Remote Admin Password for servers – there was a default password in place that could be used as an exploit
– We changed the object collision system to prevent exploits involving players hiding inside of objects – more widely known as the « Coral Sea » bug

Client Fixes
We locked out an exploit to prevent users from seeing through walls.

Sound Fixes
– We modified several attributes of the sound system to provide better sound performance.

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