Overtime is never Over !

VALVe corrige une foultitude de bugs causés par la dernière mise à jour de Team Fortress 2 :

  • Correction du bug Overtime des cartes King of the Hill (vidéo ci-dessus). Pour faire plaisir aux joueurs, VALVe permet de conserver le bug en positionnant la variable serveur tf_overtime_nag à 1.
  • Les stickies jumps ont été corrigés. Il est de nouveau impossible de faire des bonds de 100m.

Le changelog complet : [–SUITE–]

Fixed « r_rootlod » being marked as a cheat, which prevented it from being changed and caused a significant performance loss for some GPUs
Changed « The Big Hurt » Scout achievement to be « Stun 2 Medics that are ready to deploy an UberCharge. »
Fixed Announcer overtime bug on KOTH servers using mp_timelimit
Due to many requests, added server ConVar « tf_overtime_nag ». When set to 1, it keeps the broken announcer behavior
Fixed tournament stopwatch not displaying the time in the HUD
Fixed a bug with cloak meter regen and drain rates
Fixed Spies not being able to go invis while reloading
Fixed pipebombs sticking to saw blades
Fixed weapons not being hidden properly during loser state anims
Fixed a case where radius damage didn’t reduce damage to self
Fixes Demomen taking too much damage from their pipebombs
Fixed a case where items would never show up in the backpack, even though they were available to equip
Fixed a case where items weren’t being validated properly in class loadout slots

Community requests
Removed centerprint texts for TF_FLAGTYPE_ATTACK_DEFEND CTF game mode
Changed TF_FLAGTYPE_ATTACK_DEFEND capture reward from 30 kills to 1 capture

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