Nouvelle version de Counter Strike: Source Beta

VALVe sort une grosse mise à jour de Counter Strike: Source Beta avec pas mal de modifications de gameplay :

  • Weapons now have separate penalties for jumping and landing, allowing better weapon control after landing (and greatly reduced penalties for falling off small ledges). This also allows for in-air shots with proper timing.
  • Dynamic crosshair now uses actual weapon accuracy, rather than a separate simulation.
  • Glock and FAMAS each now use same accuracy for all burst shot bullets.
  • Increased run speed for Galil and FAMAS.
  • Weapon spread patterns are no longer square.
  • AWP cycle time restored to 1.5 seconds, and animation changed to match.
  • Etc.

CS et CS:Source sont les deux FPS les plus joués sur PC juste derrière TF2.

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