Nouveau FPS : Postal 3

GGMania a repéré cet article de quatre pages du Washington Post, dans lequel Running With Scissors annonce le développement de Postal 3. Et alors là, je vous fait un copier-coller de l’article qui résume tout ce que l’on sait pour l’instant de cette suite :

The year is 2007 and the Dude has just left the town that was destroyed in the last game after accidentally finding and setting off a « weapon of mass destruction » misplaced by the U.S. government. He flees the atomic Armageddon and finds himself at a political rally for a presidential candidate in a nearby suburb. The plot unfolds as the player attempts to get random temp jobs that will cause him to cross paths with the presidential candidate, the Taliban, environmental advocacy groups and others.

Except there’s a twist: The next Postal will be a violent video game about nonviolence. You’ll still have access to a slew of weapons, but you’ll be rewarded with a better outcome if you play peacefully. For instance, while driving around one day the Dude will encounter a wounded person on the street. The player can either run over the guy, ignore him or give him a lift to the nearest hospital.

« The three scenes represent three moral paths, » Wik says. Depending on the choices the player makes, he’ll end up either as a serial killer, an eco-terrorist — or… the new presidential candidate.

Dieu merci, il devrait donc être encore possible de massacrer tout le monde.

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