Le son dans Dishonored

Une nouvelle interview de Raphael Colantonio et Harvey Smith est apparue sur Eat Games. L’entretien est long et globalement intéressant, avec notamment des passages sur l’IA ou encore la propagation du son :

Well the first time we heard [the 3D audio propagation system] was with the first Thief game. As a player I was blown away by it! I had a 4-speaker setup and I was playing in the dark—I think this was back in 1997—and I thought to myself “Wow, every game should do this!” You know what? Even today most games don’t do this, and there’s a reason for it too. It’s requires a lot of work and a lot of tagging by the sound engineer but it adds so much to the feeling of emersion for the player. Just having the ability to locate the [enemies] around you; being able to hear their footsteps behind doors or in other rooms is really awesome. So that’s what we’ve done! The sound travels through the spaces. It’ll get muffled if you’re behind a door, and I think it also helps you become more aware of the environment in general.

Par ailleurs, Rock Paper Shotgun a publié une nouvelle preview du jeu.

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