Le discours du trailer de COD11 inspiré de la vie réelle

Le co-fondateur de Sledgehammer Glen Schofield partage un mot avec IGN pour dire que le discours de Kevin Spacey dans le trailer est inspiré de la politique du monde réel et a pour but d’amèner à la réflexion, en prenant exemple la dictature de Saddam Hussein et le cas d’un condamné à mort qui fut libéré. De la réflexion de haut niveau pour un public réceptif :

« I’ll give you an example. A friend of mine – did you see the Democracy speech? People don’t want this and that, they want food, support, protection? – well, a friend of mine escaped from Iraq back in 2000, before the war. His family escaped from Iraq, but three years prior his uncle was arrested and was going to be put to death. On Saddam Hussein’s birthday, however, Saddam let him go. Saddam did that: every year he let a few people go on his birthday. So they were escaping and they asked this uncle to come with them, and you know what he said? He said, ‘Why would I go? Yeah, he put me in jail and maybe it was a mistake, but I’ve got support, I’ve got my life, I’ve got it all. All I need is protection and food.’

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