Catégories : News

La triche devient un problème d’Ordre Mondial

The Guardian vient de signer un papier sur la triche dans les jeux vidéo. Leur article est un petit bijou, vous y trouvez tout dedans :

La victime excédée qui s’est vu contrainte d’arrêter de jouer :

« Nobody trusts nobody. If you play honestly and well, you run the risk of being accused of cheating and kicked out of the game. » He has decided to quit for a while. « Until they do something about cheating, there’s just no point playing any more. »

Les militaires qui tapent du point sur le board d’Amerirca’s Army :

Angry soldiers have flooded America’s Army forums demanding action. « For this not to be addressed is a slap in the face to all of us who are busting our humps to get honour points, » said « Sloppy », one poster.

La réaction de l’armée qui envoie ses services de renseignements :

Undercover operatives, or « admins », disguised as normal players have been deployed on all 140 official servers to hunt out cheaters.

[–SUITE–]Tony Ray (Punkbuster) qui compare les cheaters aux pyromanes :

« The worst cheaters are the evil people who are only happy when they cause ruin for others – like the punks who commit crimes under cover of darkness, from knocking over mailboxes to setting fires. It is far easier to break the work of another than to build something that enhances the lives of others in a positive way. »

Le créateur de cheat, fier de son oeuvre mais méprisant ceux qui l’utilisent et en particulier les francais :

« I’ve sat there for hours on end, writing the thing. They’ve just downloaded it from a website! » He’s even built hidden backdoor features into his cheats to allow him to spot when other people are using his code and disable it. « I don’t like being beaten by people using my cheat, » he says. He secretly gathers information from his users. « Did you know most cheaters come from France? »

Tony Ray qui relance ses accusations à peine voilée envers Valve :

Tony Ray says: « One vice-president of a top publisher told me that they believe it is in their best interests to let the cheating destroy a game so the players will get mad and move on to their next title. »

Et en conclusion, un petit pied de nez à l’armée US :

The US army has all this to look forward to. By releasing America’s Army, they may have been drawn into a battle they have no chance of winning, since there is one thing the cheaters and the anti-cheaters agree on. « Games will be cheat-free the same day society is crime-free. »

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