La démo solo de PainKiller arrive lundi

DreamCatcher annonce un peu partout avec un communiqué de presse que la démo solo de PainKiller, le FPS super bourrin développé par People Can Fly, arrivera lundi. Elle devrait être disponible dans la soirée, peu avant minuit en France. La démo multijoueur n’arrivera elle qu’après la sortie du jeu en magasin, sortie qui est désormais prévue pour le 12 avril.

Cette démo solo de 200 Mo contiendra 3 niveaux, dont un inédit (ainsi que les deux niveaux déjà disponibles dans la version bêta qui a circulé un peu partout). C’est sympa et tout, cette histoire de démo solo, mais nous ce qu’on veut, c’est la démo multi. Bordel de merde. [–SUITE–]Le communiqué de presse :

Official Painkiller PC Demo Launches 16th February

Toronto, Canada, February 12th, 2004. DreamCatcher Games has today confirmed that the long-awaited demo of its first-person shooter, Painkiller, will be available for download by 2.00pm PT on February 16th.

This single-player demo will feature 3 action-packed levels, including one that has never been seen before.

The new level is set at dusk in a large oriental castle and temple-style arena, where explosive scimitar wielding demons lay in wait. Fireworks will fly and a messy, bloody battle will ensue.

The second level is the popular mediaeval town level, where witches, baddies pulling their guts out of their backsides and faceless demons await the weary shooter. The level also has a hidden underground battle-zone that only savvy killers will stumble across.

Also featured is the re-designed Thor level…yes, that massive boss with the gigantic hammer is back, and he’s more pissed off than ever! The level is set in an ancient ruin, where falling columns and plinths are as dangerous as Mr. Saphathoraél, THE boss.

All levels now include variable difficulty settings for the first time, and shooters are no longer ‘virtually’ immortal. The A.I., physics, game-play, in fact, everything, has been totally overhauled since anyone last played a build.

Painkiller ships April 12th 2004 (Easter Monday..…Second coming etc.…you get it..).

Visit www.PainkillerGame.com for more great information. A multi-player demo is expected shortly after ship.

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