La beta de PlanetSide commence le 22 fevrier

OdiN nous indique que Planetside Universe a appris hier soir lors d’une interview audio que la beta commencera le 22 fevrier.

Les premiers mails seront envoyés aux 50 heureux élus la semaine prochaine et le nombre de beta testeurs augmentera lentement jusqu’à atteindre 10.000 joueurs :

Limited external beta will start on February 22nd with emails going out sometime next week. This first part will consist of about 50 people, mainly broadband users. They will slowly add beta testers in the weeks after that, finally concluding with open beta, where they will start selecting massive amounts of people. (around 10,000)
People will have a chance to signup again apparently once open beta begins. This is great news! And something PS fans have been awaiting for years!

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