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Interview SoF 2

On continue avec les interviews : Computer & Video Games a questionné Keen Hoekstra à propos de plein de choses intéressantes comme l’IA, les physics et le framerate :

CaVG: What sort of firepower are we going to be able to get our hands on? Have you chosen to go down the realistic physics route with bullet trajectory and penetration, stuff like that? If so, could you explain to us about how this will work in the game?

Kenn: Right now we’re planning on having 14 in-view weapons, most with multiple firing modes and about ten grenades. All of the weapons are region specific, taken from the Jane’s guide to weapons and carry their real-world military designations. The weapon physics will be as realistic as possible to the point where it doesn’t detract from the fun of the game or turn it into a combat simulator. We want the environments to be as realistic and destroyable as possible within the confines of the Quake III: Team Arena engine. In some cases, you will be able to shoot through doors, windows, curtains and other objects which in real life you would obviously be able to penetrate with bullets.

Oui j’ai pompé l’extrait de l’interview à Capturer.com sans honte.

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