Catégories : News

Interview fleuve sur Unreal 2

Beyond Unreal continue de me torturer avec ses interviews de 4km de la devteam d’Unreal 2. Cette fois-ci, je n’ai pas cédé et je me suis simplement abstenu de la lire. Un extrait au hasard :

QAPete: U2:TA compared to Wheel of Time is like night and day, though.
Glen Dahlgren: That’s true. Wheel of Time wasn’t your traditional first person shooter, but it appealed to some people. There are still Wheel of Time fanatics out there. It really connected to a select group of first person shooter players out there. It’s amazing… there was a WoT LAN party organized in this area so we could get some Legend people there. People came from all over the world, and some of them just kicked my ass! It’s like, these guys are just amazing. They love that game so much. It’s heartening.

Hmm… pourtant ca avait l’air d’une interview sur Unreal 2.

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