Il n’y aura pas de survivant ce soir…

« Promets-moi que tu seras très gentille avec moi à l’avenir. »

CS-Nation fait partie des quelques chanceux qui ont pu essayer Left 4 Dead. Comme tout le monde, ils ont adoré. Ils ont tellement de choses à dire sur le jeu que leur preview s’étale sur onze pages, mais c’est bien écrit et ça se lit facilement. Si vous n’avez rien suivi du jeu, commencez par la première partie de l’article qui décrit le background, le gameplay et les ennemis. Bien que la réalisation technique n’ait rien d’extraordinaire, le style graphique est homogène et les animations sont parfaitement convaincantes :

The Infected have a look that gets the job done. Flesh is rotting off of their very pale looking bodies. Dead, vacant eyes compliment a very muted color palette that manges to both let the Infected stand out against their environment in parts and conceal them in others. It’s almost as if the textures for the Infected were dipped in a layer of gray color that just pushes home that they’re void of any humanity or rational thoughts.

Their animations are quite fluid and almost beautiful when you see them in motion. They really won’t stop for anybody or anything in their way in trying to get to their next meal, and their actions show this nicely. They’ll run, climb, and lunge with animations that blended together without a noticeable hitch. When hit with a melee attack, they’ll stagger back before regaining their composure and lunging again. »

Dans la seconde partie de son article, le gars de CS-Nation raconte en détail, avec emphase, son expérience de jeu à travers la campagne qui débute dans un hôpital, se poursuit dans le métro et s’achève sur le toit d’un building où les quatre survivants tentent désespérément de repousser des vagues d’Infected le temps que les secours arrivent :

Our team splits up even more once the adrenaline starts to kick in, and during epic moments like this, the adrenaline will kick in. The game will call upon all of your reflexes to make it past the final battle, especially on the harder difficulty modes that the game has to offer.

Overcome by the stream of enemies, our party slowly succumbs to death’s icy grip. I try to revive a teammate that has fallen on a venting system off to the left of the helicopter pad. Unfortunately, I couldn’t make the jump and quickly fell down to the level where the Infected were.

Coming from all angles, they struck quickly. I gave a few quick melee attacks to knock them back, after which I managed to put a few of the Infected down for the count with my shotgun. However, all the firepower left in my weapon could not possibly hold them all back. With their twisted fingers lashing out at me relentlessly, I had finally died. I entered a bleed out period and with no teammates left to revive myself or anyone else, our round came to a climactic close. There would be no rescue for any of the four survivors tonight.

CS-Nation n’a pas pu jouer dans l’équipe des Infected. EA nous a récemment donné cette chance, et croyez-moi, c’est encore plus drôle de tuer les Survivants, surtout quand on a un petit côté sadique comme moi. Nous publierons notre preview à la fin du mois.

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