Idle Thumbs interviewe Craig Hubbard

Pendant que Gamatomic rédige une preview du multi de F.E.A.R., Idle Thumbs, le site qu'il est mieux que NoFrag, est parti interviewer Craig Hubbard. Il n'a pas peut-être pas fondé la scientologie, mais il est le lead designer de F.E.A.R. et l'un des piliers de Monolith. Extraits :
We’ve come a long way since the early days, but it seems there’s always plenty to improve upon. For me personally, the main difference is that I’ve gone from navigating by a mostly intuitive understanding of games to developing formalized theories of design and structure that eliminate a lot of guesswork.
The more you feel like it’s you in the game, the more involved you’ll become. As soon as you see somebody else’s face in the mirror or in a cutscene, hear somebody else’s voice coming out of your mouth, or have people call you by someone else’s name, you’re pulled out of the experience, even if only temporarily.

Pendant que Gamatomic rédige une preview du multi de F.E.A.R., Idle Thumbs, le site qu’il est mieux que NoFrag, est parti interviewer Craig Hubbard. Il n’a pas peut-être pas fondé la scientologie, mais il est le lead designer de F.E.A.R. et l’un des piliers de Monolith. Extraits :

We’ve come a long way since the early days, but it seems there’s always plenty to improve upon. For me personally, the main difference is that I’ve gone from navigating by a mostly intuitive understanding of games to developing formalized theories of design and structure that eliminate a lot of guesswork.

The more you feel like it’s you in the game, the more involved you’ll become. As soon as you see somebody else’s face in the mirror or in a cutscene, hear somebody else’s voice coming out of your mouth, or have people call you by someone else’s name, you’re pulled out of the experience, even if only temporarily.

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