id Tech 5 tourne sur PC, Xbox 360, PS3 et Mac

Steve Nix, l’un des pontes d’id Software, répond à quelques questions de Gamespot au sujet de la vente d’id Tech 5, son nouveau moteur 3D. Florilège:

Seeing the technology running just as well on the Mac, the PC, the 360, and the PS3 at a high frame rate–people weren’t expecting it. People have been really impressed and we expect that we’ll have a number of tech licenses.

We expect the first licenses to happen later this year, but expect the normal two to three-year development timelines beyond that.

No one has this rendering solution that we have with the unlimited texture. People are shocked by that. They weren’t expecting it. It’s a totally different path than where everyone else is going with their technology right now. It’s Carmack again coming up with something that no one else in the market is thinking about.

We’re not even talking to people about pricing models yet; we’ll be getting to that in the coming months.

Notez que Nix n’espère pas voir de jeux utilisant sa techno avant quelques années. Est-ce à dire que le prochain id n’arriverait lui aussi pas avant «deux ou trois ans» ?

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