Harvey Smith et Warren Spector parlent de leur départ d’ION Storm

Gamespot publie des morceaux non publiés d’interviews de personnalités du jeu vidéo par Salon.com. On y voit entre autres Harvey Smith (le chef de projet de Deus Ex 2) et Warren Spector (l’ex-gourou d’ION Storm Austin) y disserter de leur départ de chez ION Storm et Eidos. Ils racontent exactement la même chose et ne pipent pas mot des versions consoles qui ont transformé les jeux ION Storm en bidules sans âme.

Harvey Smith :

I just felt like I needed a change. After six years, I was exhausted, and there’s something weird about feeling like you don’t need to prove yourself anymore. I was in a comfort zone, working with a bunch of allies. I needed to take a risk, so I did. I planned for a while, then just jumped. I spent eight months consulting, slacking, and trying to figure out what would make me happiest, what would keep me the most tuned in and turned on.

Warren Spector :

You know, it was just time to move on. I’m kind of driven by the « seven-year itch » and I’d done my seven years with Ion and Eidos. (Look at my resume–I spent seven years in grad school, six and a half in paper games with Steve Jackson Games and TSR, six and a half with Origin. It’s a pattern!) I wanted to try new things, with new people, under different circumstances. And, frankly, Ion had gotten big enough that I was spending too much of my time running the studio and too little actually thinking about the games. Just time for a change.

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