Far Cry 4 passe en 1.5 sur PS4

Le patch 1.5 pour Far Cry 4 arrive sur PS4 avec plus d’un mois de retard sur la version PC. Le changelog pour les personnes intéressées : [–SUITE–]

Integrated the Outpost Master in Coop
Fixed Client connectivity issue after failing specific quest few times in a row
Fixed few inconsistent Host/Client replication issues
Map Editor

IGE coop now implemented
Fixed Gameplay functionality issues with the assets placement
Fixed Gameplay functionality issues with the map browser
Other fixes

Load and Save:Fixed checkpoint placement issue under specific circumstances
Vehicle:Fixed few vehicle placement issues
Matchmaking: Fixed matchmaking stability and general issues in PvP
PVP: a) Fixed inconsistency XP in the loadout menu
Gameplay: Fixed spawning issues under specific circumstances

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