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Encore une interview de SoF2

Cette fois-ci, c’est Armchair Empire qui s’y colle: ils ont interviewé Kenn Hoekstra. Les questions/réponses sont très classiques:

What new weapons and equipment have been added to the mix of single-player?

There are 14 in-view weapons in Soldier of Fortune II, broken up into categories ranging from knives/hand weapons to pistols to shotguns to assault rifles to heavy weapons, etc. Most of the weapons have a primary fire and an alternate fire as well as multiple firing modes for single shot, burst fire and auto. There are also weapon mods this time around, like the bayonet on the AK-74 and the silencer and laser site on the US Socom pistol. There are also 10 grenades from around the world, which are also now in-view weapons, rather than items. As far as equipment goes, we have implemented a tool kit that allows you to do things like pick locks and cut tripwires as well as night vision and thermal vision goggles. All weapons and items in Soldier of Fortune II are taken from real-world arsenals with names, descriptions and specifications taken from the Jane’s Guide To Weapons.

Toujours aucune nouvelles d’une partie multiplayer. Aucune date de sortie n’est annoncée.

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