Destiny proposera une campagne jouable en coop ou en solo

Au cas où vous n’auriez pas bien compris, Bungie vous répète que Destiny proposera une campagne avec un début, un milieu et une fin. Vous pourrez même y jouer en solo, mais vous devrez néanmoins rester connecter pour que la NSA sache que vous n’êtes pas dehors en train de poser des bombes. L’article de Game Informer en profite pour décrire quelques unes des planètes de notre système solaire que vous aurez l’occasion d’explorer :

Old Russia – Here players can explore the ruins of the Cosmodrome, a real location in Kazakhstan that serves as a launch site for the Russian space program. The Cosmodrome was humanity’s bridge to outer space; it’s now home to colony ships forgotten in the wake of its collapse

Venus – Once a scientific research settlement for humanity, it has now become engulfed in a jungle and a sulphuric storm rages. The buildings are being eroded away by the ocean but at its centre is the Vex citadel, a tower with an unknown purpose.

Mars – Formerly a thriving metropolis, it is now buried under a sand, with only the peaks of skyscrapers visible. It’s home to the Cabal, who are clashing with the Vex.

The Tower – Home for the guardians, described as « Earth’s Camelot ». This is where players will be able to purchase items from vendors, turn in quest items, and interact with other players. It also has « class-focused areas » for Titans, Warlocks, and Hunters

Moon – Infested by the Hive, the moon’s surface has splintered and spread around space. It once housed a human colony, but much of it has been buried in lunar soil.

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