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Demain peut-être, un patch pour Global Ops

On peut lire dans les forums officiels de Global Ops que le premier patch pour la version finale du jeu est actuellement en phase de test et qu’il devrait arriver demain sur les ftp si tout se passe bien :

We had originally planned to do a quick patch for the beta test last week, but unfortunately we ran into a few delays. We are now back on track and we are testing a patch for the retail version of the game now that I think will make you all very happy. It includes about 20 bug fixes and a few minor new features like a bandwidth switch on the browser screen.

Also, there will be a slight server speed and bandwidth improvement in the patch. This will have the additional effect that many of the bugs in the game that are caused by the server bogging down will go away. I suspect that the reload bug is in this category since we never once saw that issue until we released the PB. The server optimizations are one of the reasons that we did not release the patch next week. We needed the extra time to work on the server and then work out all the issues that were created. We really wanted this patch to fix as many known issues as possible.

It is possible that if these server optimizations work as well as we hope, that we will be able to enable listen servers and allow the running of 2 servers on one PC in the next patch. We will need a bit of time to sort through some of the issues, but we know this is very important to you.

So, we need about 2 more days to test the patch and if all is well, we will release it. Linux server will be next on our list. It will need to be upgraded to the new version and then tested, but hopefully should not be more then a day or 2 behind.

Also, I hope that we can do an update to the Public beta at that time, but please understand that the retail version is the priority now.

Bien qu’ils parlent d’une amélioration de la consommation en bande passant, j’ai peu d’espoir que le netcode soit vraiment plus performant du point de vue des joueurs.

A noter que Global Ops n’est toujours pas dans la liste des jeux les plus joués sur les stats de Gamespy contrairement à JK2 qui n’est pourtant disponible (officiellement) que depuis quelques heures.

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