DayZ sera en bêta fin 2015

Bohemia annonce aujourd’hui le planning de développement de DayZ qui aboutira fin 2015 à une bêta tarifée 35€. Voici ce que ça donne :

Quatrième trimestre 2015
Animal companions
Steam community integration
Construction (base building)
=> Basic vehiclesBETA version, expected price 34,99 EUR / 43,99 USD

Troisième trimestre 2015
Character life span + soft skills
=> Animal predators + birds
=> Aerial transport
=> Console prototype

Second trimestre 2015
Advanced vehicles (repair and modifications)
Advanced animals (life cycle, group behavior)
Player statistics
New UI
Player stamina
Dynamic events

Premier trimestre 2015
Advanced loot distribution
=> Basic vehicles
=> New renderer
=> New Zombie AI
Basic stealth system (zombies and animals)

Et comme chez NoFrag nous ne sommes pas la moitié de connards, nous complétons le planning par la période déjà écoulée :

Premier trimestre 2014
Plus de deux millions de ventes
Le créateur de DayZ annonce qu’il démissionnera d’ici fin 2014
Déjà un million de ventes
Les développeurs annoncent que la bêta ne sortira pas avant fin 2014

Quatrième trimestre 2013
Sortie de l’Early Access sur Steam

Deuxième trimestre 2013
Le créateur de DayZ part deux mois en vacances

Troisième trimestre 2012
Annonce officielle d’une version commerciale et Stand Alone de DayZ.

Deuxième trimestre 2012
Le créateur de DayZ annonce la sortie probable d’une version Stand Alone du mod pour Noël 2012.

Si Bohemia tient ses promesses, en partant d’un prototype déjà très avancé (le mod), il leur aura faudra plus de trois ans de développement pour aboutir à une première bêta. Ce qui nous amène à notre Grand Sondage que vous retrouverez dans la marge de droite de la homepage : avez-vous acheté DayZ et si oui êtes vous satisfait du développement ?

Pour les curieux, le communiqué de presse complet :[–SUITE–]

Prague, Czech Republic, Wednesday 26th November 2014.

The DayZ development team in association with Bohemia Interactive would like to announce
that having completed our initial year of Early Access development, we have reached an
important project milestone. Looking forward to the opportunities of the coming year, we
would like to share our plans and goals for 2015.

Recently the team has reviewed our progress throughout 2014 against where we require
DayZ to be when it reaches it’s final release version. After looking through this data we have
compiled a brief development roadmap for 2015. This roadmap will hopefully give you a
taste of the exciting things, that we in store for DayZ over the next .

Q1 2015
Basic vehicles
Advanced loot distribution
New renderer
New Zombie AI
Basic stealth system (zombies and animals)

Q2 2015
Advanced vehicles (repair and modifications)
Advanced animals (life cycle, group behavior)
Player statistics
New UI
Player stamina
Dynamic events

Q3 2015
Character life span + soft skills
Animal predators + birds
Aerial transport
Console prototype

Q4 2015
Animal companions
Steam community integration
Construction (base building)
BETA version, expected price 34,99 EUR / 43,99 USD

Plus every month there will be new weapons, objects, craft able items, vehicles and
implemented additional features and optimizations.
A more complete Roadmap will be released in the following weeks.
Brian Hicks, the Producer on DayZ stated; “2014 has been an immensely successful year for
DayZ. We could have never hoped for so many people to join us for the adventure of Early
Access development. As the team looks forward to our goals and features set for 2015, the
vision of an open world sandbox where the player creates their own story and experiences
comes closer to completion”.

Along with the updates, you can expect a new price point for DayZ which will be 34.99 USD.
This is part of a gradual price change as we progress with the development, and reach the
goals that we set for the project. We would like to avoid a sudden increase in price once we
hit the final release version. The current price of 23.99 EUR/29.99 USD will still be available
during the Steam Fall sale. If you want to start surviving in DayZ, then now is the best time
to get involved.

As well as the roadmap, we are thrilled to announce that the first half of 2016 will see our
final release version and release from Steam Early Access, with our final price point of 39.99
EUR / 49.99 USD.

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