Contract J.A.C.K. : annonce, preview et les 15 premières images officielles

Monolith, Sierra et Vivendi Universal Games publient le communiqué de presse officiel de Contract J.A.C.K. (Just Another Contract Killer), l’add-on standalone pour No One Lives Forever 2. On y incarnera John Jack, un tueur du H.A.R.M. Un méchant, quoi.
Gamespy a pu y jouer un peu, et nous livre très brièvement ses impressions (en gros, du NOLF2 de l’autre côté de la barrière, en plus court et pour moins cher).
En sus, Sierra & co en profitent pour fournir les 15 premières images officielles du jeu (en fait pour une grande partie les mêmes que celles disponibles sur Gamer’s Hell et Factornews hier). [–SUITE–]Le communiqué de presse :

The prequel to Gamespy’s 2002 PC Game of the Year, Contract Jack is a standalone action experience focused on giving PC action gamers what they want: More action, less stealth, and more robust multiplayer gameplay. Developed by one of the industry’s elite developers, Monolith Productions, Contract Jack showcases the award-winning storytelling of Monolith in a new singleplayer campaign, and adds new multiplayer content as well as a suite of mod-making tools.

They call you Contract Jack-Just Another Contract Killer. You have a reputation for being able to solve problems, particularly in cases of questionable legality. But now you’ve got problems of your own.

The legendary chief assassin for H.A.R.M. organization has given you a mission-whether you want it or not. An Italian criminal organization has plans to take H.A.R.M. down and you must stop them. In doing so, you’ll contend with the deadliest enemies you’ve seen and survive against ridiculous odds to complete your mission. Intense firefights and cataclysmic predicaments are constant in this exhilarating step forward for the No One Lives Forever franchise.


  • Explore the dark side of the No One Lives Forever universe as John Jack, a rugged anti-hero in the services of H.A.R.M.
  • Employ a deadly arsenal including the Bacalov Corrector, the prototype Cyclone Laser Rifle and powerful C4 charges.
  • Ride into battle on vehicles with mounted weaponry.
  • Compete online in Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Demolition, and Doomsday modes.
  • Create ‘mods’ and share them online using a complete suite of developer mod-making tools.
  • Stand-alone engine does not require players to own NOLF1 or NOLF2.
  • Play through the events occuring immediately after NOLF1 and trigger the events found in NOLF2.

No One Lives Forever titles have won more awards and garnered more praise than nearly every action game released since the year 2000:

  • NOLF2: 2002 Adult PC Pick of the Year (USA Today); 2002 PC Game of the Year (Gamespy); and « Editor’s Choice » (PC Gamer, Computer Gaming World, Computer Games, GameSpot, IGN & Gamespy)
  • NOLF1: 2000 « Action Game of the Year » (PC Gamer, Computer Gaming World & Computer Games)

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