Chell enlève le haut

Valve explique à Kotaku pourquoi, dans Portal 2, Chell n’est plus habillée comme une prisonnière de Guantanamo :

Portal 2 takes place well after the events of the original game, but for Chell (and likewise the player) all that time has passed in an instant. She’s also evolved from a lab rat under the facility’s control to the sole cause of its destruction. Her familiar dehumanizing orange jumpsuit is still present, but she’s tied the top around her waist and rolled up her sleeves to give her more freedom this time around. This also helps her stand out more as an individual, as opposed to a numbered, anonymous test subject.

In the end, Chell still functions mainly as a representation of the player in the world. We want players to feel it’s their own personal journey they’re embarking on in Portal 2, instead of forcing them into the character of Chell and making them role-play that in some awkward way. That said, we wanted players familiar with Chell from Portal 1 to see evidence of a transformation when returning to the world of Portal 2.

Une autre explication : dans les jeux vidéo, les héroïnes portent moins souvent la burqa que la tenue de Lara Croft.

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