Carmack a dit : Unique texturing is the key for the coming generation

Vous lirez chez GamerWithin une interview où John Carmack (id Software) explique le principe de la technologie MegaTexture utilisée dans Quake Wars. Si vous ne comprenez pas, c'est normal :
One of my early suggestions to [Splash Damage] was that they consider looking at an approach where you just use one monumentally large texture, and that turned out to be 32,000 by 32,000. And I - rather then doing it by the conventional way that you would approach something like this (i.e. - chopping up the geometry into different pieces and mapping different textures on to there and incrementally swapping them for low res versus high res versions), just let them treat one uniform geometry mesh and have this effectively unbounded texture side on there, and use a more complicated fragment program to go ahead and pick out exactly what should be on there, just as if the graphics hardware and the system really did support such a huge texture.

Vous lirez chez GamerWithin une interview où John Carmack (id Software) explique le principe de la technologie MegaTexture utilisée dans Quake Wars. Si vous ne comprenez pas, c’est normal :

One of my early suggestions to [Splash Damage] was that they consider looking at an approach where you just use one monumentally large texture, and that turned out to be 32,000 by 32,000. And I – rather then doing it by the conventional way that you would approach something like this (i.e. – chopping up the geometry into different pieces and mapping different textures on to there and incrementally swapping them for low res versus high res versions), just let them treat one uniform geometry mesh and have this effectively unbounded texture side on there, and use a more complicated fragment program to go ahead and pick out exactly what should be on there, just as if the graphics hardware and the system really did support such a huge texture.

En tant que joueur, tout ce que vous avez à retenir c’est que cette technologie permet de ne plus avoir à afficher des petites textures recopiées côte à côte pour recouvrir une grande surface. En plus, le Megatexturing n’a quasiment aucun impact sur les performances du moteur 3D.

Ca fait plus de cinq ans que Carmack réfléchissait à une telle technologie et il s’étonne que personne ne l’ai implémentée avant lui. Grâce à elle, John Carmack estime qu’il est possible de recouvrir toutes les surfaces d’un jeu avec des textures uniques. « I do think unique texturing is the key for the coming generation. »

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