Call of Duty 5 : le patch 1.2 aujourd’hui

Activision sortira aujourd’hui le patch 1.2 pour Call of Duty 5 sur PC. Il contient une nouvelle map (Makin Day, variation diurne de Makin) et toute une liste de corrections. Un patch 1.3 est déjà en développement.

La liste des corrections : [–SUITE–]

# Free Multiplayer Map! The tide is out and the sun is high – this daytime version of Makin sheds new light on the battle!
# Fixed exploits that allowed for power ranking servers.
# Fixed router related server authentication errors.
# Fixed HTTP Redirect functionality for downloading mods
# Fixed sound device crashes stemming from Emulated Sound Devices
# Fixed exploit which allowed players to color their name tag.
# Hits now register properly while targeted player is leaning.
# Enabled /cg_drawfps in multiplayer games.
# Fixed command-line +connect functionality
# /cg_fov no longer resets to the default value in between matches.
# Dedicated servers automatically reconnect to the Master Server in case the Master Server resets.
# « Accept Game Invite » is bound to its default key, F10.
# Implemented fix for attempting to join password protected servers from the server browser.
# Fine tuned Bolt-Action Rifles for balance.
# Screenshots no longer overwrite each other.
# Fixed various multiplayer map related issues and exploits.

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