Catégories : Patch

BattleField 1942 : puisqu’on vous dit que ce sera bien

BarrysWorld poste enfin sa preview de BF1942 basée sur la beta privée. Le moins que l’on puisse dire, c’est qu’ils sont au moins aussi impatients que nous de voir le jeu sortir :

In the superlative-ridden, exaggeration-friendly world of games journalism, it`s often difficult to tell which games are simply going to refine an existing genre (Unreal Tournament 2003 for example – yes it`ll be amazing but it`ll be evolution rather than revolution) and which ones are going to completely and utterly shape the future. Barring a major disaster (the Swedish developers being eaten by a rabid moose for example) Battlefield 1942 is surely going to become the first PC title in ages to offer an experience which feels completely new and is mind-blowingly exciting. The initial gaming sessions we`ve had on the Beta have driven this office into a frenzy like we have never experienced before. Finally we`re going to be able to live out each and every war-time fantasy we`ve ever had (although we expect that shore leave to look for « Poontang » will not occur between levels) without having to put up with the grim realities of mud, exercise, capture, torture and of course, gruesome death.

D’après eux, BF1942 pourrait bien être LE jeu de l’année. Espérons que l’avenir leur donnera raison.

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