Activision : bienvenue dans le futur MMO Call of Duty

Robert « Bobby » Kotick, le démoniaque patron d’Activision, a trouvé une nouvelle tactique pour faire parler de lui : certes il raconte dans le Wall Street Journal que c’est grâce à Steve Jobs, son mentor, qu’il a arrêté les études et qu’il dirige aujourd’hui le plus grand éditeur de jeux vidéo du monde. Mais surtout, il renouvelle son intention de sortir un MMO Call of Duty ultra-payant.

Et vous savez quoi ? Selon lui, c’est vous qui voulez ça !

WSJ: If you could snap your fingers, and instantly make one change in your company, what would it be, and why?

Mr. Kotick: I would have Call of Duty be an online subscription service tomorrow. When you think about what the audience’s interests are and how you could really satisfy bigger audiences with more inspired, creative opportunities, I would love to see us have an online Call of Duty world. I think our players would just have so much of a more compelling experience.

WSJ: Is that coming?

Mr. Kotick: Hopefully.

WSJ: Are the customers ready for it?

Mr. Kotick: I think our audiences are clamoring for it. If you look at what they’re playing on Xbox Live today, we’ve had 1.7 billion hours of multiplayer play on Live. I think we could do a lot more to really satisfy the interests of the customers. I think we could create so many things, and make the game even more fun to play. We haven’t really had a chance to do that yet, so that would be my snap of the fingers.

Joueurs consoles : profitez bien de votre Modern Warfare 2 à 70€ + 15€ + 15€ : par rapport à ce que vous payerez quand Activision lancera son MMO Call of Duty, ça semblera bon marché.

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