Premier gros patch pour le sympathique Last Tide dont la population qui stagnait autour des 400 joueurs semble décroître tout doucement. Malheureusement, n’espérez pas jouer ailleurs que sur les serveurs US (qui sont toutefois assez performants).

Pour ce premier patch, une nouvelle arme, un scoreboard ainsi que de quoi dépenser vos coquillages dans du matériel cosmétique : pour le moment des skins de torpilles.

A venir, un anticheat basé sur le VAC, de la VOIP ainsi que la possible arrivée de serveurs régionaux en Océanie qui intéresseront peut-être nos lecteurs de Nouvelle-Calédonie ou de Polynésie.

Patch Notes
Added Clam Store
Added 5 Divepod Skins (Clam Purchasable)
Added Platinum Divepod (10 Wins)
Added News Panel
Added Leaderboards v1
Added New Weapon Bang Stick

Added Portuguese (Portugal) Community Translation
Added Bulgarian Community Translation
Added Estonian Community Translation Improvements (Menu Text Only)

Added Diver Screams
S.T.E.V.E. now plays a sound for cashing in treasure
Reduced how far Shark movement sounds carry, making them harder to hear at a distance
Fixed infinitely looping grappling hook sound bug

Fixed LOTS of mapping issues - thanks for the reports everyone!
Added new boat paths

Updated Sniper Scope visuals

More client and server optimizations!
Lowered early game Shark Shield timings
Shark Shield timing and size adjusts depending on number of players connected at the start of the match
Removed sprint penalty when equipping, holstering, and reloading weapons
Divers now animate their heads when free looking. (Fixes Glare Hiding)
Increased S.T.E.V.E's health
Disconnected divers now reward kills
Rebalanced how score (and Clams) are calculated

Gameplay: Gear
Gyro Rifle: Increased Damage for Levels 1 and 2
Gyro Rifle: Increased Rate of Fire for Levels 2 and 3
Gyro Revolver: Increased damage
Increased maximum medigas time
Small Medigas: Reduced weight
E.R. Kit: Reduced weight, reduced activation time
Patch Kit: Reduced weight
All Grenades: Only gives a single grenade. Increased spawn chance.
Treasure: Increased spawn chance
Chumnades: Reduced size of AOE
Chumandes: Can no longer queue-up multiple sharks
 Changed shark logic. Whitetips will always attack players chummed 
within the Shark Shield. Played chummed outside of the Shark Shield will
 be always be attacked by the current shark species attacking (ex. 
Goblin early game, Great White late game, etc.).
Fixed Lobber bug causing them to get jammed 
All Pistols: Now give +5% move speed

Fixed crashed dive pods always being highlighted
Fixed rare game crash that occurred when using the lobber
Fixed blood effects not appearing when Game Effects were set to 'Low'
Fixed free look sometimes turning character 180 degrees
Fixed diver glints not appearing on free looking players
Fixed diver first person view sometimes getting stuck rotated (sideways/upsidedown)
Fixed a variety of issues that occured when joining a server late
Fixed sharks getting stuck and unable to chase players
Fixed HSV floating in the air
Fixed Alt + Space not allowing you to 'Free Look' and 'Ascend' at the same time 
Improved scalability for Post Processing on low and medium settings
Improved scalability for Shadows on low setting

When a squad member dies, a death marker is placed on the map
Items in Crates now appear sorted within the vicinity list categories, rather than having its own category
Categories in the bag and vicinity lists are now always ordered
Fixed Match Countdown message not displaying in some languages (Korean, Thai, etc.)
Fixed 'Next Player' button in the spectator UI
If a slot can only received a cheek pad attachment, a cheek pad icon is shown instead of a stock icon
If a slot can only received sights (Red Dot, Holo), a sights icon is shown instead of a scope icon
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Article suivantThe Long Dark arrive en version physique sur console


  1. Le jeu est vraiment sympa, j’espère sincèrement qu’il ne va pas crever aussi vite. Sur les serveurs EU on tourne autour de 30 personnes. Sur les serveurs US on arrive à faire régulièrement des parties à 100.

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