La démo technique de Ground Branch a été mise à jour en 0.95. Les développeurs du jeu en ont profité pour faire une update Kickstarter dans laquelle ils indiquent notamment qu’une véritable démo du jeu, plus avancée que la Tech Preview, arrivera avec la sortie du jeu sur Steam en accès anticipé.

* Commented out debug line code that displayed line while leaning
* Made collision adjustments to shell ejection effects and commentary dialogs so ejected shell casings do not collide with various volumes in the world
* Small fix for a tree type that wasn’t properly displaying textures on LODs
* Fixed some small geometry clipping with arm patches
* Fixed some world collision issues on Depot
* Rotate lens covers on RedDot_CompM2 180degrees so they do not obstruct view so much
* Lowered RedDot_Comp2 slightly so it no longer sits so high on rail
* Added more velocity to ejected shell casings
* Changed suppressed firing sound to sound a little better. Still a long way to go and we still need weapon specific sounds
* Tweaked recoil settings to give a bit of difference between each available weapon (Still a ways to go)

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