Chroma, le FPS rythmique d’Harmonix qui était en bêta fermée aux USA, va être redesigné. Harmonix a envoyé un email aux testeurs pour les prévenir :

Based on the terrific feedback we got from all of you in the community, as well as our own analysis, we have concluded that Chroma will need some substantial retooling to be the game we want it to be. We remain passionately committed to the high-level vision, and we think there are some very successful mechanics and systems in the existing build. The team has, in fact, already started prototyping new directions for the game based on those successful mechanics. We look forward to sharing more with you down the line, as Chroma evolves in new directions.

This is the first time Harmonix has ever done a public alpha on very early gameplay prototypes, and the experience has been wonderful all around. The feedback from the outstanding alpha players was amazing and we’re truly in your debt. It’s been really inspiring to have constructive criticism and optimistic support from an invested community.

La traduction française :

Quelle idée de merde ! Mais putain, comment on a pu être aussi cons ? On va reprendre tout ça de zéro et voir s’il y a quelque chose à sauver mais bon…

La bêta fermée actuelle se terminera le 4 juin.

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