
La version CTF de Well, la carte où vous vous faites écrabouiller par les trains, est sortie. Cet update pour Team Fortress 2 est accompagné de quelques menus changements dont les descriptions des cartes en espagnol :

– Added new capture the flag map CTF_Well
– Added Spanish map descriptions
– Added new option to auto-save a scoreboard screenshot at the end of a map to the Multiplayer->Advanced dialog
– Added more particle optimizations for mid range and low end hardware
– Updated CP_GravelPit to fix all known exploits and changed the scoring method to score per capture rather than per round
– Updated « nextlevel » CVAR to trigger a changelevel at the end of the current round (not mini-round)
– Fixed SourceTV demo recording problem
– Fixed mp_stalemate_enable not preventing Sudden Death mode on some maps
– Fixed a couple cases where player stats were not being recorded correctly
– Fixed some log entries being truncated
– Fixed crash caused by trying to import a custom player spray
– Removed the « Reset Stats » button from the Player Stats screen

L’une de ces trois propositions est fausse :

  • Le patch se télécharge automatiquement en lançant Steam.
  • Les trains ont disparu de CTF_Well.
  • Le patch est disponible sur le Xbox Live.
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